
Voidance Records is an open-source record label founded in October 2013 by Hammy Havoc and Ali Amel, primarily focused on releasing electronic music.

We take great pride in differentiating ourselves from the majority by allowing free redistribution and modification of our releases. We follow Richard Stallman’s GNU concept in regards to music by making it “libre”. Our reasoning being that the current industry model of streaming is broken in terms of rewarding music artists for their hard work, so we’re attempting to innovate around that with alternative revenue streams such as clothing.

Some might call us a net-label, some might call us a creative collective– we just call ourselves a family of misfits.

Our Founders


Hammy Havoc

Blog | Twitter

Ali Amel

Blog | Twitter

Outside of Voidance Records, Hammy is the CEO of Split An Atom, a multi-award winning integrated marketing agency, from which he provides mastering services, graphic design services, and website design and development services for Voidance Records.

Together, both Hammy and Ali provide TV, film and video game scoring services at Split An Atom.

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